Image source: Shari's Berries
On game day, the easiest thing to make us happy is our team getting a W. But we can't all be undefeated…Turns out we can also eat certain things on game day to give us a similar happy buzz, even in the shadow of defeat.
If you're a guy, please excuse what we're about to say next… But this author is a girl and she has seen the movie "Legally Blonde" a few times. And when this author thinks about eating for happiness, she thinks of endorphins. And then her brain immediately goes to this classic line in "Legally Blonde" when Elle says (of her gym guru client on trial for murder), "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy! Happy people just don't shoot their husbands…they just don't!"
Ok. Movie quotes aside, we teamed up with our friends at Shari's Berries, to bring you a PSA post of sorts on foods that you should think about incorporating into your tailgate or homegate menu to up your mood on game day—win or lose. These foods (like exercise) have been scientifically shown to give rise to positive physical and psychological benefits. These include a reduction in stress levels, relieving anxiety and even fighting depression. Totally something to cheer for while also cheering for your team!
Here is a run-down of all 19 of these fantastic foods, their associated positive effects on the body and mind and some suggestions for how to enjoy them:

To learn more or to visit our friends at Shari's Berries, head here.